It has snowed again - what is going on! It must be all those visiting Scots! Tonight it is expected to get down to minus two, so I have got my hottie and the heating is back on!
Tonight Stu and I went up to the airport to take Caroline, a friend from Aberdeen out on a training course, to dinner. I feel sorry for her as there is not much to do by the airport and they are not allowed a hire car so it is five days of busing between the course and hotel! Anyway Stuart managed to find somewhere nice to eat, using his 'b4ueat' website. It was called Pappas and is a seafood place - it was good but not the cheapest eatery in Houston.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Monday, 22 February 2010
Hey Mickey!

Emma and Iain, and Emma's parents, had rented a large villa in southwest Orlando, in convenient location for all of Orlando's attractions. They had already been there for over a week, so were well up on where to go. The weather was a nightmare to pack for so I took enough clothing for every eventuality including four pairs of shoes!! Poor Stuart had room for two shirts and a pair of shorts!
On Friday it was pretty chilly starting out but we all went off to Universal Studios. The first thing Ia
in and I did was go on the 'Rockit', the only big roller coaster in the park. It was funny as they make you pick your music to listen to on the ride and it plays through speakers on your seat. Well, I picked my clubbing music, but I cant say I heard any of it as I was a little distracted as we got pull vertically up then plummeted over the edge, looping etc. It was very good for the first one - many more to come. The other 4 just watched us from the bottom. We went around the park, going on all the rides and watching the 3D movies. The most spectacular one for Stu and I was the Simpson's. We were sat in a roller coaster looking like thing. You are lifted up and become immersed in a 3D picture of the Simpson's cartoon and the roller coaster you are in, moves around simulating your journey through the picture yet you are not really
going anywhere. It was really realistic and we were all screaming with enjoyment. They do things like spray you with water when someone sneezes for example just to give you the real feel!
It was fun and we left at about 3pm to go off to play crazy golf with the pirates! We had a girls team and a boys team. I said whoever gets a hole in one buys the drinks! Well, I got two holes in one and Emma got one, so that
Following that we went off to Downtown Disney. It is like a high street with Disney shops, restaurants, cinema and cirque du soleil. Emma and Iain had discovered you have to eat early - ie before 6pm if you don't want to have to wait for over an hour for a seat. Well, we were later than that so we went to an Italian, but had to wait. That gave me a chance to buy my hole in one round!
On the way back home, Iain, Stuart and me got dropped off at t
he bar around the corner. It was really a restaurant come bar, we propped up the bar until closing. All I would say is that I would not recommend Santa Fe's margarita's as they are very poor! The bar also had a floor covered in monkey nut shells from the days costumers, it was certainly different.
The weather warmed up for Saturday and we were off early, after our late night!, to Sea World. I was very excited as I really wanted to see the dolphins and whales, and off course do the rides. As the previous day we ran off to get on the first ride - the Manta, not mantra Emma!! It was meant to look like a manta ray and you got strapped in the seat then it revolved so your belly was facing the ground! This time we had five of us going on it. I sat with Stuart and Emma. The screaming started as soon as your seat revolved. Again we were pulled up vertically, th
en because you were essentially under the ride you could see what was coming next! It was actually less scary than normal rides, however one of the loop-the-loop had a big G force and it made all the blood rush to your head, apart from that it was fine. Stuart did not make a peep, and when I looked at him I realised he had his eyes closed! The photographic evidence at the end of the ride verified this - he said it wasn't scary that way :) The next ride was the Kraken - not the bracken Kieth! A big sick making ride that went around and around lots. We actually did that three time in the day but when we did two rides one after the other I felt really green! The dolphin show was better than the whales, but it was still good just not enough whale time for me and they kept going on about 'believe' - believe what?! Emma and Iain, who had already seen the whales earlier in the week said Shamu, the whale, wasn't playing as well! Maybe it was the heat. How
ever, as I said the dolphins were good. We avoided the soak zones at both shows - it wasn't that warm!
Following Sea World, it was straight to one of the outlet villages. We spent about two hours there spending money. Stu and I were limited with what we could buy - because our suitcase was already so full! But the Martin's and Bevan's had no such issues! While we were waiting for Iain, buying another pair of golf shoes, we watched this little boy aged about 4 having a pee in the flower boarder in the middle of the shops. Being a typically little boy, or rather male, he was seeing how far he could spray it!!!
That night, having missed lunch, we ate at the Longhorn Steak House. It was very good and we were lucky to get seated as the place soon filled up. As at these places, we ordered way too much, so buy the time our steaks arrived we were already loosening the belts. I had the best pomegranate margarita. Dinner was followed by a game of scrabble, with Keith and Jenny beating us. Although, at least the standard was much better than your usual games with just the four of us - typically three and four letter words only!
Sunday was also a sunny day and Emma had already told us we were off to the water park! So following a very quick jog in the morning we left Jenny and Kieth to have a day by the pool at the villa and we went to Dis
ney's Typhoon Lagoon. It was massive, with a huge wave pool. We found our spot in the sun and went off to go on all the flumes. The first flume was quite placid although I as a little concerned as it was called the stern burner!! However, the real stern burner was the one with the vertical drop and at the bottom it gave you the biggest wedgie (swimming costume up bottom)! Emma and I did it once and that was enough so we sent the boys up for another run, while they were away we watched everyone else suffer as they got to the bottom. The best flume wash the crushing n' gusher. You could go in a three person or two person ring and it was lots of fun, but keep your bottom up otherwise it is not so much fun!! Finally, we tried out the wave pool that generates a huge wave that breaks and basically drowns you. It was terrifying as it was coming towards you, but it didn't seem to bother all the little kids that were there for hours. Emma went off to the shallows leaving us to drown. We then went to join her only to discover the shallow water was worse, as the strong current swept you up and pushed you along the bottom of the pool which was like sand paper (a non-slip surface), it even drew blood on Iain! By half past three the sun had gone behind the clouds and it was time to go home. I should also mention that all the voices at the park were British - the only ones mad enough to go to a water park during the coldest winter Florida has ever had!
After an early tea we were dropped back at the airport. Unfortunately, our flight was late arriving, meaning it was even later getting into Houston and we had to fly through the rain storm that was heading to Orlando - so it was a bumpy flight my least favourite.
Sunday, 14 February 2010
One minute it is cold, the next it is hot!
The blog drought has because I am working so hard - can you hear the world's smallest violin playing :) But it is true long days and in both days this weekend. It will end when Mum and Dad arrive and I suppose technically I cant go in this coming weekend as we are in Florida.
As some of you noticed we have been decidedly chilly, however, this afternoon it got up to 24 degC, so cons
idering it was about 2 degC when we got up this morning the temperature rose some 22 points - quite difficult to pack for! I had to take a picture of the pool in the sunshine - it makes you feel like it is warm enough to jump in!!! The other amusing thing was I said only to Mum and Dad that it is never windy here (with the exception of hurricanes of course), but tonight the winds have picked up - I don't know where it came from.
It has been a sporty day for both of us. Stuart had his regular Sunday ride with the neighbour and I went off for my 8 mile run - slowly getting towards the big 13!! In the afternoon when I went off to work, Stuart went to a spin class as he did not feel his cycle was hard enough (he didn't even break sweat), however he did say he now pretty tied!
Great curry again tonight, we actually managed to buy lamb mince in an American 'standard' supermarket so Stuart did it stuffed in peppers - yummy.
Technically tomorrow is a day off as it is President's Day, but I will be in work as I have got Friday off. I might need to go for a swim tomorrow to loosen my legs up - ouch!
Thursday, 11 February 2010
Still unpacking!
Tonight I actually, finally, unpacked my boxes at work. Yes, these are the boxes I brought from Aberdeen! It had only taken me about 8 months and a warning in the quarterly safety report to get me to do it. To be honest it is because I have lots of other things I should be doing, so unpacking seemed far more interesting. It is like when you have exams at university, it is the one time of the year that the house is absolutely spotless.
We have also hopefully extended the lease on this house for another two years as there is no way we want to move ad we both like it hear. The landlord seemed happy especially if he can weasel some extra cash out of us!
So apart from that excitement nothing else has been going on we have had miserable weather, and if Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog is right then we have this for another 6 weeks. That mean March is looking cold unfortunately not like last year when it was beautiful.
I haven't managed enough running this week because of a combination of staying at work late and the weather. Last night I did go out however it was very nearly sleet so everyone else stayed at home. I didn't like being on the bayou by myself so came back quite quickly. That was when I saw a guy just about to go for a run, and he did the sign of the cross on his chest before taking off!? I was glad to be heading home!!
I am looking forward to see my tidy office tomorrow I wonder if anyone else will notice :)
We have also hopefully extended the lease on this house for another two years as there is no way we want to move ad we both like it hear. The landlord seemed happy especially if he can weasel some extra cash out of us!
So apart from that excitement nothing else has been going on we have had miserable weather, and if Punxsutawney Phil the groundhog is right then we have this for another 6 weeks. That mean March is looking cold unfortunately not like last year when it was beautiful.
I haven't managed enough running this week because of a combination of staying at work late and the weather. Last night I did go out however it was very nearly sleet so everyone else stayed at home. I didn't like being on the bayou by myself so came back quite quickly. That was when I saw a guy just about to go for a run, and he did the sign of the cross on his chest before taking off!? I was glad to be heading home!!
I am looking forward to see my tidy office tomorrow I wonder if anyone else will notice :)
Sunday, 7 February 2010
He's Back!
Stuart is home :) Although he is already tucked up in bed after falling asleep on the sofa at 6pm.
I was nearly late picking him up after talking to Mum and Dad, I was hanging up the washing while getting his flight status off the Internet - only to discover his flight arrived an hour early! And estimated landing was 1330 - I was still at home and it was 1345! I was hoping for a long queue at immigration. Apparently, they got to Houston at one o'clock but since they were so early there was no stand available so circled for half an hour - and there was no queue at immigration because every desk was manned so I only had a ten minute wait before he was through with his baggage!!! I had planned to dry and straighten my hair puts some makeup on - look nice generally, but that all went to pot!!
Stu brought me lots of presents including footsies, flight socks, tea bags and disprin! I also got a belated birthday present from Emma and Iain - with a very Scottish theme. A musical bag pipe fridge magnet and a Scottish shopping list note pad for fridge! - thank you x. Stuart also got both of us St Andrew flags for the cars :)
I gave Stuart plenty of greens as he said he was missing veg after eating numerous curries back home (to satisfy his cravings :) )
Cecelia and I did our 7 mile run today and it was so much easier with someone to chat to although I was a bit breathless at times! At least Monday's is day off from running as my poor little feet are looking well used.
I was nearly late picking him up after talking to Mum and Dad, I was hanging up the washing while getting his flight status off the Internet - only to discover his flight arrived an hour early! And estimated landing was 1330 - I was still at home and it was 1345! I was hoping for a long queue at immigration. Apparently, they got to Houston at one o'clock but since they were so early there was no stand available so circled for half an hour - and there was no queue at immigration because every desk was manned so I only had a ten minute wait before he was through with his baggage!!! I had planned to dry and straighten my hair puts some makeup on - look nice generally, but that all went to pot!!
Stu brought me lots of presents including footsies, flight socks, tea bags and disprin! I also got a belated birthday present from Emma and Iain - with a very Scottish theme. A musical bag pipe fridge magnet and a Scottish shopping list note pad for fridge! - thank you x. Stuart also got both of us St Andrew flags for the cars :)
I gave Stuart plenty of greens as he said he was missing veg after eating numerous curries back home (to satisfy his cravings :) )
Cecelia and I did our 7 mile run today and it was so much easier with someone to chat to although I was a bit breathless at times! At least Monday's is day off from running as my poor little feet are looking well used.
Saturday, 6 February 2010
One More Sleep
I guess you will have realised I have been living a quiet life this week with Stuart gone, but now only one more sleep till he is back.
Today I managed to get a number of things done starting off my Saturday run. I decided to do 4 miles rather than 3 miles, because I had missed running on Thursday - working late! it was nice to be out with the sun shining. It was not very warm when I started off but I soon had to take off my fleecy hat.
After breakfast I got on with my next things to do. I picked up our picture that was in for framing. I think I confused the guy as he did not recognise me with my glasses on! Although it was expensive, it does look really good and we will place it somewhere special in the house. Thank you Sarah x.
I still had the bags of clothes left from the clothes swap party so I rang a Multi-Ethnic Centre as they said on the web they were collecting clothes for Haiti. However, when I gave them a call they were very weird on the phone and the guy that spoke to me was very difficult to understand and said they are not collecting clothes. So with that option over, I did a search on the web for other charities for our clothes to go somewhere needing. In the end I gave them to Goodwill, a Houston charity organisation to help those from low income families and with disabilities get back into work.
I dropped a letter at the landlords house and then I spent the rest of day at work. Boring I know - especially when it was our first day of sun we have had in ages, but I needed to do it. I left at 6pm having done all I needed to and meaning Monday morning should be slightly less stressful. It is scary how much you can get through when there are no distractions!
I have bought dinner for Stuart's home coming tomorrow :) I am really looking forward to my friend coming back as I am suitably bored of my own company. Mind you, before I pick him up, Cecelia is coming around to go for a run - its 7 miles so we both need each others company and support!
Today I managed to get a number of things done starting off my Saturday run. I decided to do 4 miles rather than 3 miles, because I had missed running on Thursday - working late! it was nice to be out with the sun shining. It was not very warm when I started off but I soon had to take off my fleecy hat.
After breakfast I got on with my next things to do. I picked up our picture that was in for framing. I think I confused the guy as he did not recognise me with my glasses on! Although it was expensive, it does look really good and we will place it somewhere special in the house. Thank you Sarah x.
I still had the bags of clothes left from the clothes swap party so I rang a Multi-Ethnic Centre as they said on the web they were collecting clothes for Haiti. However, when I gave them a call they were very weird on the phone and the guy that spoke to me was very difficult to understand and said they are not collecting clothes. So with that option over, I did a search on the web for other charities for our clothes to go somewhere needing. In the end I gave them to Goodwill, a Houston charity organisation to help those from low income families and with disabilities get back into work.
I dropped a letter at the landlords house and then I spent the rest of day at work. Boring I know - especially when it was our first day of sun we have had in ages, but I needed to do it. I left at 6pm having done all I needed to and meaning Monday morning should be slightly less stressful. It is scary how much you can get through when there are no distractions!
I have bought dinner for Stuart's home coming tomorrow :) I am really looking forward to my friend coming back as I am suitably bored of my own company. Mind you, before I pick him up, Cecelia is coming around to go for a run - its 7 miles so we both need each others company and support!
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Raining cats and dogs
My goodness I am sitting here on the sofa and it sounds as if someone is emptying a bucket into the pool. It was big rain drops this morning and then just at run time it started to rain again likes cats and dogs. It sounds like it is going to be like this again tomorrow - oh joy! I am guessing there will be lots of flooding tomorrow morning.
Today I was moaning about lunch I think they have got us on a low carb diet - today was salad and strips of beef! No roll or anything. I know it is probably better for me but I was rather hungry by going home time.
I had to drag myself to the gym to do my run. I really don't enjoy doing long runs on the treadmill, because it is boring and monotonous.
I am not sure what is going on with the mail from the UK, but Mum's letter dated 22nd January turned up today. Well I afraid that this is all I have to say - pretty quiet without Stuart around.
Today I was moaning about lunch I think they have got us on a low carb diet - today was salad and strips of beef! No roll or anything. I know it is probably better for me but I was rather hungry by going home time.
I had to drag myself to the gym to do my run. I really don't enjoy doing long runs on the treadmill, because it is boring and monotonous.
I am not sure what is going on with the mail from the UK, but Mum's letter dated 22nd January turned up today. Well I afraid that this is all I have to say - pretty quiet without Stuart around.
Monday, 1 February 2010
Fly by day!
Oh my hamstrings were killing me this morning! I was wearing a pair of m new trousers today and tomorrow I might wear one of my new tops! Today we must have been busy as the day flew by and before I knew it, it was time to go swimming. I decided a gentle swim would help my muscles and then a sauna and a wee time in the jacuzzi - the steam room was closed for some reason.
After the gym I went to the sports shop to by some long trousers to run in I should have done this months ago but I kept saying it will be warm soon - hahaha! So since I have three evening runs this week I decided it was time to get them. I, however, didn't get the fleece lined ones - it is not THAT cold!
I think it will be another early night as I am still recovering for the 4am party!!
After the gym I went to the sports shop to by some long trousers to run in I should have done this months ago but I kept saying it will be warm soon - hahaha! So since I have three evening runs this week I decided it was time to get them. I, however, didn't get the fleece lined ones - it is not THAT cold!
I think it will be another early night as I am still recovering for the 4am party!!
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