As some of you noticed we have been decidedly chilly, however, this afternoon it got up to 24 degC, so cons
idering it was about 2 degC when we got up this morning the temperature rose some 22 points - quite difficult to pack for! I had to take a picture of the pool in the sunshine - it makes you feel like it is warm enough to jump in!!! The other amusing thing was I said only to Mum and Dad that it is never windy here (with the exception of hurricanes of course), but tonight the winds have picked up - I don't know where it came from.
It has been a sporty day for both of us. Stuart had his regular Sunday ride with the neighbour and I went off for my 8 mile run - slowly getting towards the big 13!! In the afternoon when I went off to work, Stuart went to a spin class as he did not feel his cycle was hard enough (he didn't even break sweat), however he did say he now pretty tied!
Great curry again tonight, we actually managed to buy lamb mince in an American 'standard' supermarket so Stuart did it stuffed in peppers - yummy.
Technically tomorrow is a day off as it is President's Day, but I will be in work as I have got Friday off. I might need to go for a swim tomorrow to loosen my legs up - ouch!
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