Monday, 29 March 2010

Easing the pain!

I am still in quite a lot of pain, my thighs are extremely tender, but tonight I had my massage. I was looking forward to it all day. Even though it was the relaxing massage rather than the deep tissue one, I nearly cried when she used her elbow up my spine and knuckles on my thighs. She said you are very tender aren't you - yes!!! The lady suggested I go in the steam room straight after the massage, which I did. So apart from from the pain, it was great and hoping I will be feeling some of the benefits tomorrow. Thank you Mum for my birthday present. I was also told there is some sort of massage week between the 12-18th April and all massages are half price - might have to take advantage of that :)

Tonight we had BBQ and ate outside such bliss at the moment as it is warm but not humid and no mosquitoes - long may it last! Tonight we experimented cooking the asparagus in a tin foil packet on the grill and it worked a treat with our pork escalopes coated grub rub.

I have just finished watching the Karate Kid (the original) - haven't seen that in a while:) Wax on, wax off!

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