The past couple of weeks have been busy and I haven’t been keeping up with my writing so I will have to give you a quick update!
We had another of MaryBeth's Pot Luck’s also including a Pampered Chef portion. Pampered Chef is like a Tupperware party and they sell looks of cooking things to you. Obviously I wasn’t going to buy anything but came away with over $100 of stuff I am not sure we really need!! The party then went on to the Pot Luck part essentially bring along a dish and we all eat. Last time Stuart made curry and homemade naan but this time, keeping along the lines of Scottish cuisine, he made 'Cullen Skink'. Obviously it is not too difficult to make back home but finding smoked fish is difficult, so he broke out the smoker again and smoked his own fish. He used Tilapia instead of Haddock, because again it wasn't available. It was fine and I think everyone seemed to enjoy it.
The next night we were out with Bill and Marah to the ‘American Chinese’. It was anything but American Chinese. It is something they do with a group of friends some of wh

o are Chinese – which became very important in a place like this since the menu was not in English, or at least the menu you really wanted to see! It was bring your own and that meant champagne all evening!! We had 14 plates of food for 11 of us from fish, meat to vegetables and it was all great – my favourite was the snow pea leaves – snow peas are what we call mangetout and the leaves when steamed are vibrant green and a bit like spinach. It was outstanding value for money - well I think we couldnt read the receipt. It was in a part of town that was slightly less desirable and I am not sure we could find it again as Bill drove!!
Since the weather has cooled off and the mosquitoes we managed to get in a game of Disc Golf – I don’t think we have played for over 8 months – terrible! I won :)
On a school night we went to see Cirque du Soleil - Alegria ( at the Toyota Centre with Robert and friends. He kindly organised tickets and surprised me when he said we were going later in the week as I had entirely forgotten about it. I have never bee

n to the Toyota Centre downtown – it is where they play basketball. The enormous arena was divided in two and we had very good seats. The circus was spectacular. I don’t think my attention drifter from the stage once through the first half. It was colourful, entertaining and had some excellent acrobatics. They were doing trampolining, playing with fire, hula hooping and so much more. In the second half they had two contortionists and they nearly made me sick – at times it was hard to work out which way they were facing! The finally was men swing on the high swings over the stage – the timing of them catching one

another was impeccable – wow, certainly worth the ticket price.
I picked up my new car!! I was a little sad about handing over Misty to the garage dealer until he gave me the keys to Iggy the VW Tiguan with many more toys to play with!
On Saturday I had a work function – it was a Chevron do to celebrate project sanction the Jack and St. Malo Fields. Maersk is in Jack in the Gulf of Mexico. The party was held on the east side of downtown towards Pasadena. The last part up to the restaurant is in a shady part of town and actually overlooks the

ship channel – good thing it was dark when we were there!! It was our first big journey in Iggy and getting used to her built in sat nav was interesting – one wrong turn as she says the instructions different to the Garmin but I guess I will get used to it. We were greeted with complimentary valet parking but I was a little reluctant to hand over my keys – I had done less than 100 miles in that car!! Anyway we walked in and were greeted with people in Hawaiian shirts and serv

ed drinks in coconut shells – yes it had a Hawaiian theme! I am not sure of the reason for the Hawaiian theme but it was quite entertaining. We meet up with the other Maersk folk and it was not long before we were getting dressed up in funny costumes to get photos taken of us all!! Later on after dinner there was traditional pacific islands music and dancing demonstrations including Hula and the Hakka. An interesting night it has to be said not to mention a long drive home again.
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