Wednesday, 8 June 2011

One ring is not important, but three or more in quick succession is!

Well we had a little excitement before coming away at the house. So Sunday I went into work in the morning but couldn’t last more than a couple of hours since I hadn’t requested the air con to be on. So I decided to upsticks and continue at home. However, as I sat there through the afternoon I said to Stuart it seems to be getting hotter in the house. He turn the air con down but the thermometer was showing the temperature was increasing. Oh yes you know what that means – air con broken!!! I got on the blower to the landlord and he called his air con fix it man but he was out of town until Monday!

Sunday evening we had the annual block BBQ and it was cooler going outside than it was in the house – possibly because of the thunder and lightning that was going on over head! (No real rain though). The block party was fun and we met the new neighbours at the end of the street as well as some of the other folk who don't really get to see very often. Gretchen was very good up until she cleaned up the left plates on the ground – and which may have been responsible for her sickness the next day!

So that night was hot not to mention Gretchen was up with a dickey tummy a number of times through the night. My husband slept through very well!! I got up to go running with Dorte despite of the lack of sleep.

So the air con guy turned up late morning and set to work on the problem. In doing so he tripped the electricity. Stuart and him went and sorted that out, but when they came inside there was an electrical burning smell, next Stuart saw the ceiling in the kitchen begin to bulge, then start dripping – he had just moved away when the ceiling gave way!! So him and the air con guy quickly turned off the water.

Poor Stuart then tried to get hold of me but I was in a meeting and ignored his constant calling – sorry honey. I phone the landlord to break the news. We now had no air con, no water, the electricity was potentially dodgy and there was a hole in the ceiling with water everywhere. Almost immediately after speaking to the landlord the air con also told us the air con unit was totally caput. So I rang back the landlord and couldn’t keep a straight face when I had to break this news to him as well.
The long and short of it was that an electrician was called to check the electricity, and a guy came to sort out the water so we could actually remain in the house. That night we had a second night of no air con – glorious although at least this time Gretchen had a better night and no belly ache (I am getting an appreciation of what a child will be like!).

The next day Stuart had non stop workman coming in and out and from about 9 in the morning to 11 in the evening we had a new breaker box installed, a new hot water tank and pipework (the reason for the water was because there must have been an electrical surge which melted the copper inlet and outlet to the hot water tank!), and a new air con unit. That night was wonderful as in the two days the house had already started to smell foostie. Actually I woke up and I was freezing! The only thing left now is the hole in the kitchen ceiling but the insurance guys are coming this week and it will be fixed after that assessment.

On the plus side the new air con unit, which is out the back of our bedroom is much quieter than the old one!

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