Saturday, 24 September 2011

Beach Palooza

DSC07592_480x640So a long time ago Amy, Laura and I signed up for the Beach Palooza in Galveston.  It was a 3 mile obstacle course along the beach and was just meant to be a fun event.  However, on the week of the event my two companions pulled out!  It was on the Saturday before we were going on holiday so I still wanted to do it even if it wasn’t going to be quite as much fun as with them all.  Stu and Gretchen were my supporters.  There were a lot of people there and most of them were in fancy dress – not boring me! 

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The race started and within about  3 metres of the start line I could already hear people moaning about running on the sand – but it really wasn't that bad.  Very quickly I was near the front of my wave of people  and for the first 1.5 mile it was just running on the sand, it wasn’t until you started to head back that the obstacles started.  There were high jumps, which I delicately swung my legs over, things to crawl under and over.  Jumping between platforms, that were decidedly wobbly, negotiating a web of elastic rope, then a cargo net wall.  By the time I got to the cargo net I had already caught the previous wave of participants!  The last part was running in and out of water and sand piles with the finale jumping over burning logs before crawl through some artic waters (arctic water in Texas during the summer – not very likely!).

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It was over in less than thirty minutes and even my support team was surprised to see me back so quickly!  It was fun but would have been better with other chums!  Never mind I have the Warrior Dash to look forward to in November with Amy.

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