I dreamt of my new car last night - how sad!

So obviously the blog is full of my car photos today. I have decided to call her 'Misty' - not only to suit her colour, but also has an American twist :) Misty and I had quite an adventure tonight doing new things together.
I had to get a VIN inspection done, I think that is similar to an MOT, although, it didn

't take very long. Good thing is I now have the necessary sticker. I then realised why the driver had mistaken her as 'lime green' - there was a greenish film of dirt on the bonnet, so I decided to try out a car wash. You had to drive into an area, set up as a petrol station, then a guy comes around and asks you what wash you would like. He scribbles on the window and gives you a ticket to go and pay. Being a true Scot, I went for the cheapest. I then left my car and went to pay. The next time I saw Misty, was when she was coming through the big washing machine (as pictured!). Then as the car

emerges from the washing machine, it is hand dried by a rush of people and moved to its next slot, where it is wiped down inside and the wheels get 'back to blacked'. Obviously, the higher the price you pay the more pampering your car gets! The final adventure we had was going to the 'gas' station. The nozzle is totally different to the UK - they are little stubby things. The best bit was the price - unbelievable, even though I wasn't paying! I really noticed an increase in performance from the Mazda 6, even as an automatic, it can take off quickly, and I have no doubt Misty will perform much better in the floods!
I wen

t to have look at another gym tonight. It seem totally disorganised when I arrived, because I had to wait quite a while for someone to show me around, however, once that did happen, it was quite impressive. They have 3 pools, 2 indoor and one outside. A real benefit is that one of the pools is dedicated lane swimming and

amazingly 25m (to date he only pools I had seen were 25 yards). The gym area is full of equipment as far as the eye can see, a little bit daunting for me. The changing rooms were beautiful and quite a change from the council pools at home. Obviously, all this comes at a price so I need to have a think, plus it is further from new house than the other one I was thinking of joining, but is easily accessible from the office. More decisions!
I have been invited on a golf outing in a weeks time. I will have to go to a driving range for a bit of practice and hope I can remember how to hit a ball. It is a Texas scramble so not too much pressure on me!
Great you have a lovely car and house. Your blog is great. Stuart is paying us a visit tomorrow - lots of computer work for a nice meal!! Thomas has also given him a list of toys to bring. Working very hard at the moment on D of E last weekend. So looking forward to being able to Skype you. Have a great weekend. Sam xx