Laura's team, the Sliders, wearing their pink shorts and white, shirts looked very professional against another team of girls. They were all lovely and friendly, and only the coach joked saying 'oh no, not another one from the Dee'. At half time they were a goal up and doing well. All the play was in the opponents half. I watched with one of the girls husbands and Tyler, the dog, who kept licking my legs - yuk! The wind had really picked up today, making it difficult on the pitch, but the sun was shining and it was still pretty hot. Even with my factor 50 I can see some evidence of being in the sun. When the final whistle blew it was 1-0 to the Sliders. 
Laura and I then stopped for a quick look at the wildlife park, hosting a mixture of goats, sheep, a very fat pig, emu's and bison. Their pens looked really boring, which was a shame, and the emu looked especialy bored, strutting up and down when anyone walked past.
By now, it was lunch so we went to Madeline's, a great french style place that sells nice salads and good soups. What I hadn't mentioned before is that Laura was suffering from a little hangover so she struggled with lunch, just a little :) We had a chat about what to do and decided to go to Walmart, however, before we got there we past Laura's favourite nail bar, and I said I was up for a manicure and pedicure, Laura, on the other hand, needed a snooze, so I left her in the car while I went to get beautified. I have to admit I have never had a pedicure before, and gosh it was tickley I could barely control myself:) Anyhow, I now have painted finger and toe nails for $35.
Walmart was gigantic. I got myself a tin opener for 96 cents - bargain! Also, as I was there, I picked up some chopping boards, nice bamboo ones, because I have none coming in the container. It
was fun and I will definitely be back. I was hoping I might find Emma's bubble gum, that I have been searching for, but still no luck!
Since shopping was going so well, we decided to pop into DSW Shoes, the shoe warehouse I had been recommended at yesterdays party. It was a warehouse of shoes. I quickly established I am an 8.5 in US sizes and went shopping. However, Stu will be pleased to hear I was very well behaved and only came out with one pair (this time!!).
A final third meal of beef chilli tonight - yippee! The trauma of cooking for one with American quantities. Maybe the next time I should go to the meat counter to get just what I need. My first full week starts tomorrow.....
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