Sunday night had a terrible thunderstorm and strong winds. It got so bad in the early hours I thought my hotel windows were going to blow in so I hid under the covers just in case they did. By 5am the storm had subsided and I managed to drift off again.
Once Monday came so did work and the reminder I wasn't on a jolly. Actually Monday wasn't too much of a struggle, as in true Brazilian style the conference didn't really get going until midday so we had the opportunity for a bit of a lie in - the last time that was going to happen. I got up at a reasonable hour and went for a run along the beach. But by 8:30am the sun was already hot and I thought I was going to melt along with all the other runners. There was no sign of the previous nights storm. However, there were some real sights of another kind. My favourite was the lady who decided running in her bikini top was a really good thing to do to ensure a good tan and minimal tan lines. Except she was having to run with her arms pressed against her chest to avoid it all falling out! By the time I go back t the hotel, an hour later, I was a wet enough to ring, and then to make it worse I had to stand in the tiny hot lift. My heart sunk when I had to stop at the breakfast floor to pick up another passenger. I was so embarrassed and just said 'sorry' with my head bowed. To my amazement it was a
Brit and then I had to talk just to make it even worse! By the time the bus came to take us to the conference, I still looked like a beetroot!
From then on in we left for the conference at 7:30am, which was not too bad except for the fact by the time we had had dinner the previous evening it was after midnight and for my sins, not really, but I had to do normal daytime work which meant very late nights and too little sleep for my liking.
One morning while I was waiting for the bus I suddenly notice a naval vessel sailing past, and then realised it was not just one, but it must have been the whole Brazilian fleet. You could see them in size order stretching out to sea brought up in the rear by a submarine. They were all in perfect formation turning ninety degrees along Ipanema Beach and heading for Copacabana. Nobody seemed to know why, but I took some photos for Dad to enjoy!
Everyday on the way to the conference we were faced with horrible traffic and some scary driving. The amazing thing was the cars are less dented than those in Houston and peopl
e seemed to know the width of their cars down to the millimetre. We also drove past one of the largest favela's in Rio, housing in the loosest sense, 250,000 people. I spotted one of the favela's from the roof top of the hotel (orangy coloured buildings in th distance). The danger really comes on the roads if you have a favela on either side of the road run by different gangs. As they often start gun battles across the road. We had no problems.
So after the excitement of the drive everyday the conference was rather mundane! Actually it was very good and as with all big conferences there were some good talks and some really bad ones, but as long as the good ones out weigh the bad ones, it is good :) At the beginning of the week I didn't think I knew anyone except the people from the company and Laura, however, as time went on I bumped into at least three others I knew.
The last day and half of my trip were spent in meetings which was actually a nice change from all day sitting in
talks. I got to see the office, and unfortunately I forgot to take a picture, but it has the most wonderful view looking over Sugar Loaf Mountain - beats the Sam Houston Beltway that I look at everyday!
Dorte and I just had time to celebrate the end of our meeting with a caipirinha on the roof top bar and watch the sun go down before, back in the traffic for an extraordinarily long journey to the airport. I would have to say the traffic did seem to dominate my trip, but at least the scenery made up for it.
Have any of you guessed the significance of the title? Well, it is the title of a song written in a restaurant, just behind the hotel, we went to dinner in on the Wednesday evening, all about a beautiful the girl the song writer saw as he was sitting at his table in Ipanema.
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