The afternoon was spent looking at costumes. The place was heaving with people getting their last minute Halloween costumes. We all had ours but thought we might be able to get some extra accessories. In the end we came away with some costumes bits for Chris, Laura's boyfriend, to wear. Laura had told me Chris wouldn't want to dress up, but there was no let up in our house hold so he was going a purple pimp!
Stuart took Di and I to the Phoenician Market, a Greek, Middle Eastern, Turkish kind of place. It is th
e same place where he wrote about the freshly made pitta pockets on a conveyor belt through the shop. It had amazing selection of dried spices for a good price, unlike the standard supermarkets. Di bought more than we did to take back to Denver. You can buy Crunchies and other types of yummy proper chocolate - but, I resisted yesterday.
We then had to go to a standard store to buy a big bag of sweeties for the trick or treaters that we knew would be coming around. We set out the pumpkins, even though mine was starting to look like an old man who forgot to put his teeth in - we nicknamed him 'gummy'! In the fancy dress box we found some cob web stuff so Stuart decorated the hedges with it - spooky house! Well we had quite a few groups of sweetie grabbing children. The kids say trick or treat, but they don't do any trick or little skit, they just hold out their hands for sweets! Mind you they all had great costumes and the really little ones were very sweet. Stuart took great satisfaction i
n jumping out in his costume. One of the little boys was trying to stay as far away from him as possible while grabbing a handful of sweets.
Laura turned up as a zombie nun and was feeling sad as she had got all dressed up for kids to come around to hers but none came - between you and me I think she would have scared them off!! We all had homemade pizza before getting dressed up and heading off to our local for their live band and Halloween party. As usual we were all freaked out by Stuart's costume but the rest of us looked pretty cool too! You always get ID'd at pubs here but the poor bouncer was having problems with every ones makeup, wigs and masks! When we walked in we all thought we were the only ones dressed up, we nearly were if it wasn't for the bar staff! However later on there was a best fancy dress costume competition, which we all entered, and by that time more people had turned up in
costumes. Although I think it was a fix as none of us were even short listed for best costume, mind you the prize was $100 of bar tab that I don't think any of us needed. The winner was a shocker!! It was a man dressed in a cardboard cut out of part of a woman's anatomy - that is all I am going to say!
This morning, with the clocks going back we actually got up at a reasonable hour and enjoyed bacon butties made with homemade bread. Fortunately we had frozen bread as we found the bread machine lying in bits on the kitchen floor with a well kneaded lump of dough stuck to the floor. A little perplexed how it got there, Stuart put it back together and tested it and it seemed to be working! God knows how considering it fell off the surface on to a tiled floor. He put in new ingredients and started it up. We then discovered that it wasn't a ghost who had pushed it off the counter but it in fact managed to walk itself while doing the mixing operation!! All is fine it made a lovely loaf for Di to take back to Denver in her suitcase.

Another stunningly sunny day with blue skies and temperatures in the twenties. It was too good to sit at home so we went for a bike ride to George Bush Park. We didn't get too far into the park as we came across a flooded path. The park is a dam and is used to reservoir excess water, and after all the rain last week there was certainly plenty of water to catch! We still managed 17 miles and felt we deserved some lunch when we got back home.
We took back Di to the airport this evening and have both been sitting on the sofa nursing our colds. I have an ever flowing nose, well actually one nostril, which is even more annoying as I feel all lopsided! I have been taking disprin like my mummy told me to do :)
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