Stu and I picked up our American muscle car from the car rental company in Denver - a Dodge Charger. However, what we quickly discovered it was certainly not a sprinter it was more like a weight lifter. It did get us to Breckenridge with the skis on the roof and half the supermarket in the boot, including goodies for the kids and me :)
The condo is part of a large apartment complex just off the Main Street through the town. It has three bedrooms all with en suite bathrooms. There is a nice homely kitchen and living room, decorated with lots of old skis and snow shoes for the proper chalet look. It will certainly do us all well for the holiday. Although, it nearly killed us lifting all our bags and the shopping up to the apartment because we are at ~3,000m and the air is definitely thinner. Stu was sounded like some scary heavy breather down a phone :)
Stuart managed to throw a lasagne together for the others arriving at about 9pm. It was yummy, but he did cook enough to feed an army - obviously taking after Mum. By 10:30pm we were all head
ing to bed. Stuart jumped on our bed cricked his neck, and broke the bed! Fortunately, there was no lasting damage to him or the bed :)

This morning the kids did really well and didn't get up at 7am, the same time as our alarm. What I haven't mentioned, is that our room is just at the edge of the separated by a plastic sliding door - so we don't really want too early risers. Thomas made himself an omelet with mozzarella cheese - I was very impressed with it as it looked really quite tasty and I am not the biggest omelet fan! The rest of us had porridge and toast setting us up for a good day on the slopes, with the sun already shinning and promise of blue skies all day.
While Sam, David and co, went off to sort out ski hire, Stu and I took off up the slopes. We are just a short walk from the bottom of the lift and tomorrow it will be an even shorter walk after Sam showed us a short cut in the afternoon. Much of the ski area is blue runs but there are some reds, or rather blacks as they are called here, and the occasional double black diamond, equivalent to a European black. However, not everything is open yet because we ar
e quite early in the season, saying that though, the snow that is on the runs is good and plenty of fun.

We met up with the rest of the gang at lunchtime for some scran on the slopes - not quite up he French standards, but equally as expensive. Stu bought me the biggest Vin Chaud - I was feeling quite giddy by the time we got back on the slopes. In the afternoon we all skied together, and took everyone down our favourite run so far - Spruce. It is classed as a blue black dashed, which seems to mean it is a blue with some steeper bits, and over the lips of the steeper bits you can get air. Stu managed this to his downfall, which I missed entirely, but he apparently lifted off, realised he wasn't going to land, so landed on his back, spun around and got back on to his feet. Thomas and Mariska a
re very good skiers, with Thomas trying to keep at my heel, and definitely keeping up with Stuart. Mariska is more paced, but more than capable at getting down anything put in front of her. By about three the travellers were fading and so we decided to head back to the condo. The lifts close at four and sun was beginning to drop behind the mountains - brrrrr!

On the way home we managed to show Thomas the terrain park, with all the crazy jumps and watch some mad people going down them - he was well impressed.
This evening the children have been in the hot tub and running around in the snow in their swim suits, while Stuart and I went to check out our
surroundings down the Main Street. It is a very pretty place, with lots of Christmas lights and horse and carts etc. The shops all look very expensive - but there is a fossil shop that I might have to investigate before the week is up :)

All is quiet now - they are all in bed while Stu and I stay up to complete the blog before we head off to bed - no clubbing tonight - not yet anyway...
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