I can tell you, I feel like we are back in Aberdeen just now. The temperature has plummeted and it is even meant to snow this Friday! Apparently, no Texans (I should clarify with flat bed trucks) can drive in the snow and so I will have to watch out on the way to work. It has been quite amusing as the Europeans have been dressed up in more woollies than the locals - you can tell we are acclimatising well:) Tomorrow night we are off out to watch Danny play his 'kick ball' (essentially the same rules and objectives as Rounders, but you kick the ball), I will have to dress up with hat and gloves. Stuart hasn't let me put the heating on yet although I am going to have to change over the bedding and use the duvet for the first time since arriving (in addition to my hottie!).
Stuart has been noticing lots of cars with these black leather-like covers ove
r the nose of the bonnet. I have seen them on a number of cars at the gym and just thought they were so you don't have to clean the front of lots of dead flies! Well Stuart has just searched on the Internet and discovered their proper name is 'car bras'! oh and the reason for them - it isn't just the flies, it is to prevent stone chippings! I think I would rather live with the chippings and flies :)

As some of the more observant ones will have notice Stuart had been growing some facial hair - a beard. He started for 'movember', a cause promote awareness of prostate cancer. Anyway, he managed to get quite a significant full set going, and just as I was getting used to it, he has now changed the style to a Mexican moustache with little goatee! No photos yet I have been told - not until it has grown some more :)
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