Saturday, 26 June 2010

Happy Anniversary to us

I can hardly believe it was a year ago today that Stuart and I got married - how time flies when you are having fun. As it is our first anniversary it is paper - so relatively simple for both of us. Today was a typical anniversary! I got up at 5am to go running, I bought some fresh bagels on the way home so we sat and had a relaxed breakfast, followed by a trip to Bubbles to give my car a bit of a clean as it was getting quite stinky inside! We then sat by the pool for a couple of hours, waiting to Skype Angus - who never appeared online! - so instead we went back up to the shopping outlet village on 290 so I could return a pair of shoes. To give me my due I did not replace them with another pair (yet!!). I now have some quiet time before we go out to a nice seafood place we went with M&D called Denis. Maybe the last chance to have some Gulf seafood!

This mornings run was over at Memorial Park, somewhere I don't go very often and I actually think I haven't been there in over a year. Because it is more central, the park is full with runners doing lap after lap of the 3 mile loop. It just brings it home how lucky we are having Terry Hersey park on our door step. Anyway, we actually went off the beaten track at Memorial Park, doing a trail called the Ho Chi Minh trail. It is also used by the mountain bikers because it is dirt tracks running through the dense woods with little ups and downs. Apparently, the track goes on for 18 miles - not that we did that! With only the three of us running it was pretty relaxed. It was also certainly more pleasurable than my run on Wednesday after work in 32 degC heat - I nearly passed out funnily enough!

The cleaner is becoming somewhat of a saga with no progress. I got a phone call from her the other day with a quote but it took me back a bit at $100 for every second week. Am I being unreasonable, but I think it is quite a lot? So I asked for a lower price and since then I have heard nothing - hmmm! I think I will have to try the search again when we return from our travels. But what it does mean is that I will have to clean the house this weekend - darn it!

I completed my last evening of cat sitting duty last night. Beezu and I are the best of friends although I am sure I will be quickly forgotten when the family returns. Buttercup gave me another nip last night so I think I can say I am not her friend although she does like me cleaning, her litter box!

Work is work although I will have to get my head down next week as lots to do before leave the country on Friday - how does time move so fast?

I really should go off and find that husband of mine as we are both taping away on the computers ignoring each other :)

And then a perfect way to end the evening.

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