So since I last gave you an update of Houston life we a have entered World Cup fever and last weekend we spent the USA vs England game in a bar in Midtown - it was packed I mean so busy you were luc

Sunday morning I rang Mum and Dad early as I had been told Mum was very sick. Fortunately she sounded better on the phone but the week has been pretty bad for both of them with chronic D&V ! No more details required, but I was pleased to hear they are both managing solids again.
Sundays cycle was an epic journey doing some 38 miles. Bill and Stuart had worked out the route earlier in the week and were pleased to share it with Amy and I (John is still off cycling after

That evening we had the block party in the cul de sac the same as last year. It was much better knowing people

By Monday evening I had had it. We had a weekend of early mornings and late nights although I was mostly not drinking - Roger will be pleased to hear! By the time 7:30pm came and I was snoring on the sofa, and by nine I was actually in bed!! Not to mention I had the 5am swimming start.
I was pleased to get my extra long sleep although I mis-read the time at 0257 in the morning as 0457 and nearly got up to go to the gym! That would have been a bit stupid :) We did the most swimming I have done since going - 3000m in an hour. He only told us after but it did explain me panting with exhaustion and then the fact I could barely lift my hands above my head to wash my hair! The only good thing was I knew Thursday was going to be regular length because he is not that mean :)
Last night, Friday, we met up with Laura and Andy in Rice, and Laura and I specified no Gingerman pub we want a change! So we went next door :) On the way Stuart and I passed a lady in a big 4x4 who had driven straight into the concrete barrier on the edge of the freeway and it was sticking out at right angles to the road. Goodness only knows how it happened but even though the car was a write off it appeared she was OK. Laura took us to a french cafe in Rice for dinner and it was pretty good. The wine list was enormous but I was on water again (Roger please note!) and three of us had excellent salads whist Andy had a fine looking plate of lamb chops. We will go back as it makes a welcome change from the Istanbul Grill - although very good, you do always coming away thinking you are going to explode. So for those interested in the French number it is called Cafe Rabelais.
It was a 5:30am run again this morning and the humidity was reasonable so we set off for 7 miles with hills. I dont think I have mentioned we have been doing hill training - now anyone that knows Houston will understand how difficult this is! However, we have be

I had a cleaner come around to give me a quote for doing the house every second week as I am sick of all these wooden floors and the dust bunnies, as Stuart calls them, rolling around! We will see what she comes back with....

I am now suffering from a little sun burn after jumping in the pool when I got home, but apart from doing this blog it is going to be a quiet evening vegging in front of the TV. Cycling at 0630 with Bill tomorrow, no Amy or John as they are on vacation.
As you will see we found another cool insect to photo while in the pool!

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