Wednesday, 3 June 2009


I suppose the most exciting thing to happen today was my burglar alarm was fitted. So I will now hear if someone is coming in! It is also a deterrent for anyone thinking of targeting the property, because there is a sign at the front door saying a alarm is installed and being monitored. I have a panic button as well, that goes straight to the police. One of the photos is the siren that is inside - it is one of those that is so loud, it makes you feel sick! I hope I don't set it off by mistake, otherwise I will get in trouble! Lets see if I sleep soundly tonight.

It took most of the morning for them to do the alarm so I didn't get back to work until lunch. I stayed a little later to try and make up some hours. I am finding work a struggle at the moment due to software/hardware prblems. Everyday there is another issue with the PC. and I am starting to feel like a jinx. I am sure I will get there in the end!

I have cut down the amount of sprinkling I am doing, because the new grass is looking good for the most part and I am concerned one part of the grass is getting too much water so it is often standing. Since I am paying for all that water - my grass can become hardy! Actually, I am waiting for a thunderstorm. They keep saying it should be happening on the radio, not to mention the humidity is getting higher, but still nothing. If it does rain then at least I can turn off the sprinklers.

I had a look through my BBQ cookbook this evening for ideas for the street BBQ on Sunday. What about a chickpea salad or a Scottish dish, like Indian spiced rice! If you have any ideas for side dishes, please write a comment!

I am playing golf with Andy from work tomorrow, just 9 holes at his club. I need to go and put out my things, including the DEET!

The photo of the pool area was something I found on my camera yesterday and stitched together. It is quite good :)

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