Friday, 12 June 2009

New home, back home!

I got to work early this morning to make up for many lost hours yesterday. Not to mention I needed to talk to the computer help desk in headoffice 7 hours ahead! So As I was about to leave the house at 0630, Stuart called with news on the house move. There was a hold up in funds transferring from our buyers, buyer. It was almost amusing as there was nothing we could do and really we are in that situation ourselves. By mid morning Stuart phoned again to say the funds had now all transferred and the removals company was now unloading into the new house - yippee! So, we now have somewhere for the reception!

This evening, my big boss hosted a BBQ as a goodbye party for those leaving soon the office. It was great, as I got to meet new folk who I haven't really spoken to around the office. There were plenty of kids in the pool and the newest arrival to the office, at just 1 1/2 weeks old, was also in attendance. The water guns provided endless entertainment for both kids and adults,with some serious battles taking place.
With three Weber BBQ's the men managed to cook some lovely beef. I am now feeling very full sitting in bed typing this. We also had Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream to follow :) As I managed to convince Danny to give me a lift I could even have a couple of drinks which was a novelty!

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