Di is a hard task master, and following yesterday's gym session I woke up with very stiff shoulders, but we went to the gym again this morning, she made me do more this morning. The step machine is evil, and the cross trainer is wicked, that all that can be said! However, we rewarded ourselves with a monster breakfast from the 'Egg & I'. Di introduced me the wonder of crab cake eggs benedict. Essential, eggs benedict, where the ham (or bacon) is replaced for a crab pattie. I thought they might be too fishy for me, but they were lovely.
I dropped Di up at the Woodlands at about 4pm and it was a relatively uneventful trip there and back, making a change from the previous time I went up! I cant believe the next time I see Di is back home for my wedding!!!
Tonight was our cul de sac BBQ. Apparently, we are the only cul de sac in the area to it and they have about two a year, plus a party to turn on the Christmas tree lights at the communal tree. I went out at 1830 with my chickpea salad, which I thought was quite tasty even if I

do say so myself. Everyone was very friendly and wanting to know why I was living in such a big house myself! There was a range of ages, the street has at least one 80 year old, and a mixture of retired folk, folk whose kids have now left home, those with young families, and me! I reckon I could knock on any of their doors and get a friendly face. One lady and her husband said I could come around anytime if I was felling lonely or scared when the first of the hurricanes come through - which was nice. Some people worked in the oil industry, but others worked for banks and many other things. Most them have sailing boats so I dropped some hints that a trip would be great :) I met one other lady golfer but she was a member of a country club and looked very well to do so I think I will have to work on that one for a game!
The BBQ itself was cooked offsite at one of the residents. It was all smoked for nearly 48 hours. It was good, however some of the smoked stuff was a little strong for me, but there was a wide selection of side dishes and I am sure I could be more adventurous the next time.
I am actually going off to write down as many names as possible so I don't forget them!
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