Wednesday, 6 January 2010

My lovely flowers

First of all, I must apologise for not posting the picture of my beautiful flowers that were delivered on my birthday for M&D. They are giving the very white kitchen some colour. Thank you.I have a husband again tonight after days of feeling like I have been home alone! He is still deaf, but feeling much better in himself. So he had a busy day getting all the forms we need to fill in for letting the house back home. Let me tell you there are a lot of forms and hurdles to go through, but we will get there :) We were having debates on the type of people, how many of them and whether they can have pets!

Work has seemed to ramp right back up there - disappointingly. My colleague has just returned from the Christmas hols in New Zealand and she looks very healthy as it appears the southern hemisphere are having a lovely summer, unlike us in the northern hemisphere with the harsh winter weather. Even Houston has been issued a freeze warning between Thursday 9pm - Sunday 9am. We are all getting warned about freezing pipes since none of them are insulated and most are just beneath the ground level. I am more worried about how cold the house is going to get! I cant get over how cold it has been - I moved to a hot place.

This morning was hard to get out of bed when the alarm went off at ten to five. I stuck my nose out and it was very chilly. I was seriously debating getting up, however, eventually dragged myself out of bed to spin class. My new shoes are good and, as always, I was suitably pooped after the hour. Unfortunately, I still had to my run this evening but that was a struggle as I was hungry before I went to the gym!

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