On Wednesday, Stuart and joined Laura and her Fugro team at the Richmond Arms quiz. Unfortunately, the lady with the mic was extremely difficult to hear and even when she she came around each table for a second read out of the questions I couldn't understand her. With no thanks to me, our team came 4th out of about eight teams. Because I got up for spin of Wednesday morning I decided I didn't have to do my run training, however, Thursday was a miserable day and the thought of plodding in the rain didn't interest me nor going on the treadmill at the gym. I was suitably worn out so went home and was asleep on the sofa by 8pm wrapped up in my snuggie! Stuart spent most of Thursday baking for our department breakfast that I had to bring in on Friday. Stuart made a sourdough and jalapeno and cheese pull apart bread. Both went down a treat with the cheese and salami. Actually, it had nearly gone in 30 minutes of laying it out so the gannets were obviously hungry!! Friday was also miserable, but I knew I had to go for a run so I managed to coax Stuart into joining me along the bayou as it was quite dark (because of the rain) and I wanted a bodyguard! Anyway, on leaving the office with some of the others, I quickly decided that there was no way I was going running and headed for the gym instead. Treadmills are just so boring though! Mind you the only bit of excitement I had was when I nearly fell off because I was being nosey looking around, and the next thing I knew my trainer had caught on the edge of the machine. It let off a very loud squeak, and I stumbled, but managed to right myself before coming off the back. That will teach me! We went out to try the local Chinese and Vietnamese place down the road. It was an enormous build and there were other people eating but because the size of it, it looked empty. There was also enough staff for one waiter per table! The food was good, nothing spectacular, but nice. I had orange spicy shrimp that I would recommend, although I would have it spicier!
This morning we got up an went to spin. Another hard session! That is something you can always guarantee that it is going to be hard. The class was packed, much more than 0530 classes! There was a rather large lady in front of me and her feet kept coming out of the cages and she could not get them back in. I was painful to watch and I did consider jumping of my bike to help her - but I didn't. In the end the teacher noticed her issue and helped. We thought we would go to the yoga class straight after, but in the end we were pooped and decided against it. I had to do a run later anyway - although that was more of a walk with my tired legs.
I had a good natter to Sam on skype. Hearing all about the UK weather and now the snow is melting and there is heavy rain that places are getting flooded - there just seems no end to the winter this year. Luck
y for us the weather has improved and sun even came out this afternoon. Sam and I also had discussion about bike cleats. As I told her Stuart was fitting my new cleat pedals to my bike, and she said she had only done it once and fell off and that is the same story I have heard from everyone. It is the stress of getting your foot released when you come to a stop - you have to twist your heel outwards to release. Anyway, Stuart got me to try them o
ut just before I went out on my run. He said cycle up and down our road. The first time I did it with no trouble. However, the second attempt was not so good! Stuart told me to work out which foot I like to put down when I stop, well I decided to try the other foot. Apparently it all happened in slow motion as I released my right foot but lent to the left and well that was it, I was splat on the road with the bike on top of me. I grazed my knee and got one of the handle bars in my chest but other than that I was fine. I was laughing because I was so embarrassed as one of the neighbour was watching. Well I have done it now, and now I know that I like to stop with my left foot down so may it not happen again! Stuart kindly fixed up my knee with savalon :(

We have got no plans for tonight or tomorrow, for that matter, and since I have managed clean the house and do all the laundry we can have a quiet one.
Oh and the gym is still awaiting officially confirmation of the Guinness record book attempt - apparently it will take about two weeks! However, we saw the article in today's newspaper.
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