Today, was our big day doing the Guinness Book Of Records attempt - taking part in the largest spin class of 600 riders. Although we don't actually know whether we managed it because they didn't say anything at the time, from a quick search on the web it would appear to be the biggest cycle, as before us was 458 in Bar
celona (or something like that). The guy leading the cycle was the founder and CEO of Lifetime Fitness (the gym) and he liked the sound of his own voice. By the end we all agreed he talked too much. However, we did manage 2 hours of spinning and based on my heart monitor that was a swift 1000 plus calories burnt. It was still below freezing when we started, but the sun was shining so we really couldn't complain. We both wore long sleeve tops under our 'uniform' cycling top. I opted for my thermal top and about 20 minutes in I wished I was wearing less as it was getting toasty. The 600 bikes we
re all squeezed into a small space so we were almost handle bar to handle bar - another reason why it wasn't quite as cold as it could have been. We had a DJ doing the music and unfortunately we sat close to one set of speakers - it was so loud and you could feel your insides shake. I have to admit I was quite pleased when the two hours were up. I drank near 3 bottle of water! They were filming and taking lots of photos so we will have to see if we get in the news!

I got my Christmas and Birthday presents from Laura today. One was some gel toe spreaders to help with sore feet - so this was perfect as I was feeling after wearing my cycling sho
es for two hours and my other present was a 'beautiful' leopard print snuggie! If you are an avid reader of the blog you may remember I talked about snuggies and how ridiculous they look - blankets that you put your arms through. Well, it may look ridiculous but it is very snuggie with this cold weather we are having. I see Aberdeen is only 1 deg cooler than us and I think we will be back below freezing tonight.

On a final note, I have to say congratulations to Laura and Robert who tied the knot today!
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