Gosh, I can hardly believe it is Thursday already and my first blog posting of the week. Last night I had no excuse just pure laziness and not wanting to see another computer for as long as possible.
Monday was the wine dinner. It was a smaller group than we normally have with just eight of us. It was actually quite nice because you could have a conversation with the whole table rather than a few around you. The wines were from Washington State and there was only one that was memorable for me - a Riesling called 'Next' - it wasn't like a usual Riesling as not too sweet. It wasn't quite as late as usual which was no bad thing!
On Tuesday afternoon we then got asked if we would like to go to a baseball game with one of the service companies that had

a suite. Well having never been to the baseball and it was for free we just had to say yes. So I rushed home after work to pick up Stuart as we were going to the Minute Maid Stadium in Downtown. The journey was far less painful than I thought it would because we were going against most of the rush hour traffic. So it is called Minute Maid after the orange juice company that sponsors it, apparently it used to be called the Enron Stadium! In the theme of orange juice it has a train with fake oranges in it. The whole stadium roof can slide open and because it was a nice evening we were going to be in the open. We found our way to the suite, which wasn't a very big room but had a bar with a bar tender and food. It then had french doors that opened out into the stadium. Everyo

ne asked whether we knew the rules - well we just said it was like rounders :) The game was the Astros (Houston's team) versus the Giants (San Francisco), and this was the second of three games they were playing this week. They were all rubbish at hitting the ball, even if it was coming at them at about 90 mph! Only three points were, ie three people back to base and no home runs, were achieved in the evening and that was by the Giants in one innings the rest were very dull with most people getting out due to missing 4 balls! However, the ice cream and ca

ke in plastic baseball caps made up for it:) It lasted approximately 1.5 hours and the journey home wasn't as straight forward as they had closed down I10 totally near downtown for road works so we ended up being forced north before eventually getting back on I10 after a big detour! Ah well, we got there in the end.
Last night I took Karen to the gym to let her check it out as her and Dave need to decide where they want to join. It was a little unfortunately as we have currently got one of the other gyms using ours while theirs is being refurbished and that means the numbers are over doubled to normal times. We did however manage a swim although I am not to keen to go back until things quieten down. Tonight I had arranged to go running with Amy after cancelling on her on Tuesday. We did a 5 miles round trip which was just fine as I haven't actually run since the half marathon.
We are both feeling full after eating way too many BBQ'd shrimp (again!) I swear I am going to be looking like a flamingo soon :)
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