In the morning we got up to go cycling to George Bush. It has been warming up in the evenings so the early mornings are no longer chilly and you could almost suggest slightly humid! Bill, who is a regular weekend cycler, has recently changed out his thick and rugged tires for slightly thinner and certainly smoother tires and so with increased ease of pedalling we all whipped along at 15 mph average and were back within two hours. The wind wasn't too bad either this, making it more pleasurable than previous times!
I had a quick turn around to go and meet Laura for nails. Since sandal weather has started I need to get back to going to get pampered! I can't have been since before Christmas because the nail bar has been refurbished. They have new big chairs where you sit to get you toes done. The massage setting on them is now not so painful - the old chairs used to pummel you! They have also changed how they deal with you, they no longer do you hands and feet while you sit in the big chair, instead we had our pedicure and then they moved us to the normal seat and desks to do our manicure. Not quite as relaxing and we discussed that we may have to consider looking for a new nail bar - not that is a hard thing as they are on every strip mall but you have to find one you like! I now have very bright pink toes that are lovely. My guy who did my pedicure decided to attack my blisters, which I am not sure was the best thing to do, but hey ho. When he did my hands he was surprised at my cuticles as I am unfortunate because they grow really quickly, anyhow after his hard work they look suitably better.
Laura then introduced me to my first skinny vanilla latte (I am not a big coffee drinker therefore visit Starbucks only very occasionally!). It was good and kept me going as I had to get home to pick up Stuart for us to go off to the shops to buy food for a BBQ we were hosting in the evening. And I suppose that is where the day took a weird turn. We were in the big HEB on Bunker Hill shopping away happily - for quite sometime as always in that place - when we were just about to head to the checkout and an employee of HEB came up to me and said 'excuse me Mame, there has been an incident in the shop and we would like you to come and speak to a policeman'. Well what runs through your mind, firstly I looked at my handbag to see if my wallet was still there - yes, then I thought what have we done - had we mown down an old person with our trolley - not knowingly, then just anger why did they want to escort from the shop? Stuart was also looking a little agitated but they said it didn't involve him, but just me, however he could come with me - too right! We got taken into a room at the back of the store (ahhhhh was going through my head), and we were put into an office and told to sit down. The store manager and a policeman entered ...... The policeman then proceeded to tell me that a man had been seen in the store taking indecent photos up my skirt! He had a basket and bent down and with a camera phone and either videoed or took photos up my skirt! They were now holding him inanother room in the back of the store. Well obviously both of us were shocked - not what I expected. The policeman said he had not checked the man's phone yet to see what photos he had but would I like to press charges and take him to court? The store manager said 'he is not your typical heathen, he had wine and croissants in his shopping basket!' Since I didn't realise any of this had happened it seemed like a bit April fools, but obviously it wasn't. I said I didn't want to press charges but I did want the policeman to delete all those photos. The manager of the store was very apologetic and we went on our way. I was then hold the back of my skirt down until we got out of the shop! On the way home, after wStu and I had discussed it some more, the policeman phoned again to ask if I wanted to press charges. I still said no, and whether that is the right thing to do or not, we reckoned if he was reasonably well off he would get a good lawyer and be let off with maybe a warning and that is if they can actually managed to prove anything. So in all - warning to ladies everywhere - don't wear a skirt to shop in. Or at least be conscious if someone is close by.

Anyway we then got back to party organisation and I went out to clean the pool when the next thing happened. As Mum and Dad know we have a covered area with a metal post at the pool edge. Essentially, I got the end of the net pole caught in the metal post and before I knew it, I was catapulted into the pool I caught one foot on the steps but couldn't hold it - I got a full
It was just six of us for BBQ and Laura brought along a Brazilian colleague who has just come over to the states for a months training, and aswell as Karen and Dave. It was such a nice temperature that we sat out until two in the morning, well five of us did, Laura found her bed upstairs at about 10pm :) We ate a lot of food and it was great including shrimp, margarita chicken, flank steak (this time it was much better) and jalapeno beef sausages. Well poor Cleyton, the Brazilian, found the sausages were a little too much heat for him and he ended up drinking three glasses of milk to cool
I was meant to be getting up to meet Amy for a run at 5:40 am this morning, but funnily enough when the alarm went off (after about three hours of sleep) and I was not keen to go! So I stayed in bed. Since Laura and Cleyton both stayed in the end, we had fresh bread for breakfast - yummy.
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