Saturday's morning cycle was cut short just after the first 12 miles because it rained and pretty hard, again. What is it with rain on Saturday's; we get barely any rain any other time of the week! So after drying out, I dragged Stuart on a number of chores which included visiting the bank to get a joint account and generally sort out stuff. I went to try on rash guard, they are those UV protection tops, because when I go for my field trip to the Bahamas snorkeling I need something to stop my back getting burnt (hard life!). When I looked at them on Amazon, someone had commented that whatever size you think y

ou need go up two sizes - they were right. Shamefully, I need the XL if I am not going to be strangled and cut all my circulation off! I didn't like the ones in the shop so I am going to order one online, but at least now I know what size to order! I did buy some beach shoes and factor 70 so I am getting set for the trip :) I still need to practice with my fins, goggles and snorkel in the pool - maybe next weekend.
Last night we had a night out to
Lupe Tortilla Mexican Restaurant with John and Amy, the neighbours, and Bill and Marah, that is cycling Bill -aka no filter Bill :) Anyway, Lupe's is hugely popular so we got there at about 5:30pm to get a seat. Let me tell you their stra

wberry margaritas are fab and go down very easily. I had two, while the others had polished off four before the end of dinner! The beef fajitas were pretty damn good as well - the beef was full of flavour and the only mistake I made was eating the grilled jalapeno that came with it. It was burning soooo bad, when the waiter saw my wobbling lip he brought me a large glass of milk! It did the trick! This was also an opportunity to celebrate - John's birthday is only a couple of days away, we

told them it was his birthday, so he got the special birthday serenade!
Of course since dinner was so early we had the beset part of the night left. We all went off to a bar nearby, I think it was called G's and it was very quiet - quite scary for a Saturday night but we sat outside and that it is when the conversation officially went downhill. Bill had corrupted us all :) My story about the latex dolls program I had seen on BBC America just a couple of nights before was just a small part of the evenings conversation. Amy and I did some of the most horrific mixi

ng of drinks trying apple martini's followed by amaretto sours I was surprised to wake up this morning feeling as well as I did. Well, 8am was our regular Sunday ride and we were all there on time raring to go! The sun was out this morning so we managed to do the full 26 miles and there was only a couple of cycling Hitlers out - like the one that shouted after Amy and I saying wears your helmet?! Amy was wearing a baseball cap! Amy and I lived up to our reputation that the more we talk the faster our legs pedal - we had to wait for the boys while they caught up - slow coaches :)
As a reward for our hard cycling we went off to
Egg and I! Stuart had the crab cake Benedict's that he has been drea

ming about - however, I think it was a little better in the dream. My regular eggs Benedict were pretty good, but you can't beat homemade :) Following breakfast, the boys had important business to attend to - helping John put up his new massive (52 inch) TV (birthday present). I think they will have to turn their heads to see the full picture!
We then went to go and buy gardening things, including grass seed, weed killer and some p

lants for the garden as it needing some work. Basically the gardeners are rubbish except for cutting the grass and blowing the leaves! Stuart did all the manly tasks, while I did the weeding and planting. It took much longer than I thought as the ground is already rock hard and I only have a wee hand trowel and fork. By 6pm I was having a bit of sense of humour failure, it was hot (in the 80's) and the mosquitoes were b

iting. Stuart said go and shower or have a swim and he would finish up tomorrow - so with that I was straight into the pool. Yes it was chilly but it felt fantastic, even with Stuart chasing me around the pool with the hose pipe!
Another night of steak, but this time rolled with feta and spinach, BBQ'ing cant get much better.
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