We had a caddie who spotted balls, gave advice and generally kept play moving. Our caddie was called Jimmy and he was a pianist in a 60's band hoping, one day, t
o get big enough to travel abroad. He was fit, running ahead of us, and too good at gold laying down the odd ball to take a shot at and normally putting us all to shame. On the 18th hole he decided to give some coaching, which was useful but as any golfer knows when you are told something to change you forget about something else and therefore it all goes to pot! My over swing came into play at the end, nicely photographed by Mark, and probably due to the two beers consumed! It was so nice to be out on the golf course and need to do more!!!!
My game is in need of some serious practice but I am not sure the driving range is everything I need, generally more golf would help!!
Laura returned from Brazil today and she came around for a swim. Hic! It was fab to catch up and become like a prune in the pool. I am now definitely ready for my bed!
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