Thursday, 6 August 2009

Under the bonnet!

Okay I am being very stinky, as I sit here typing this in my gym clothes. I have had dinner, filled the car with water and now I am thinking about a shower then bed.

I have to admit I am now hooked to Farmville on Facebook. I have had to tend my farm during the day because the strawberries ripen in 4 hours! Unless you give it a go, you wont know what I am taking about!

Anyway, back to reality, it was another hard day at the office and then an extremely hard day at the gym. I think my personal trainer was having a bad day. He was not quite a smiley and chatty as normal and was really mean to me - I certainly worked hard and that was on top of my cardio session I did beforehand. My arms are feeling very floppy right now, but they should recover by tomorrow.

When I left for work this morning the oil light came on. I had only been for an oil change a week and half ago so I knew I could go back to the place. I drove to work and thought I would deal with it at lunch. So at lunch I went down and checked the dipstick, and the level was fine, and importantly, the oil was absolutely clean, and then when I started the car the light didn't come back on - so I must have been a blip on the sensor. Since this was the first time I had looked under the bonnet, I decided I should check all my levels at home. The most I managed was to fill up the squisher bottle, but the rest of the car was too hot. Considering, I had only driven a short distance from the gym I was quite surprised how hot it was , but I suppose it is high 30's outside!

Oh I haven't updated you on the bugs! I have been finding plenty of dead ones (cockroaches especially), so whatever my exterminator sprayed it is working. I now need to go around cleaning up all the bodies! This weekends job :)

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