Another busy day at the office! We had an all afternoon meeting. Stuart was down to the London Embassy for his visa. I only got to talk to him for five minutes and he was mean. When I asked him how it went, he said they said they could not process his visa! Then laughed - how cruel. Tomorrow, the removals company come to assess the amount of stuff we are left to take, and everything else will head down to Glenlair (sorry M&D!). Things are really moving now:)
I had a present outside my door this evening - Stuart has bought us a 'Vortex'! It says it eliminates pesky insects forever! Battery or plug operated, it emits UV light and CO2 attracting all the biting insects and zaps them! I will have to try it out this weekend when Di comes to stay.
It rained tonight - it is strange how I become excited by the rain these days as once again I can turn off the sprinklers. I was also hoping it would top up my pool, which is a little low, and still green. I never managed to ring the pool guy, but must tomorrow.
Lindsey uploaded all the water photos from the tubing weekend so I have pulled off a couple from Facebook for those not on Facebook! You may have to read this in conjunction with the posting for Saturday. But just to reassure you, the tattoo is only stick-on and I took it off on Sunday!

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