Work is busy at the moment, which is great, except I always want to get more done than I can so I get frustrated. Wed
nesday, so wraps for lunch! The only thing that is utterly predictable, oh and that chicken will be on offer! It is my current grumble, along with a number of other people at the office. I feel bad, because the food is generally good, if only a bit 'samie'! I had a visitor today - I know the picture is poor, however, this cricket (I think) was taking a rest on my window. I don't know why he was up so high, but I got Cecelia to come and admire him as well.
This evening I had to go to the gym, no hangover or sleep deprivation as an excuse. It just happened to be my hardest run day (it was meant to be last Friday), so I suffered for my lack of commitment, plus I had to stay and do the circuit my personal trainer had set me to do for yesterday! I have to say I feel quite satisfied sweating, so much, that it is dripping of me. However, my cotton sport top is not great as it gets very wet, and is very obvious, then stays wet and goes cold against your body! There is something to be said for the fancier man made fabrics. After all my hard work, I then went into the spa for an extra stretch out. I was at the gym for about 2.5 hours!
I bumped into one of my neighbours this evening when I went out to the letter box. He is very friendly and asked about our wedding and I was telling my mystery husband will be j
oining me soon. He said we will have a party to welcome Stu. I said once Stuart gets here we can host one, because he is the cook in the relationship! This made the neighbour laugh, and then I made him laugh even more when I said I had to go because my poached eggs were cooking! Actually, I have also lined up Stuart to bake bread for our Friday breakfast at work (a new thing starting where one person from the team brings in breakfast each week and we take turns). Sorry honey.
In the meantime, it was back to poached egg and asparagus!
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