Thursday, 27 August 2009


It must have been like paddies market here today. I had the gardener, the pool man and the exterminator! I cant resist a clean pool so I had to jump in when I got home and it was lovely :) I did notice that the cowboy hat, I thought was the pool guys, obviously wasn't. I had put it in the garage for him to collect, but it is still there! Unfortunately, whose every it was had a very small head, even smaller than my little on!

Tonight has been a night of doing stuff. I managed to get a second set of key for the car. I went and got a new pair cut and just hope I will be able to claim back OK (I did ring the car fleet management company and they said I could go ahead with it - but not cheap, over $100!). Anyhow, it now means Stu has a set and I don't need to be so paranoid about looking myself out the whole time! I got told I didn't sound like the 'lucky charm', an advert, which, as the name suggests has an Irish accent! I did point this out, but got they didn't understand. Other jobs completed, washing (in desperate need - not of myself, my clothes!) and changing the hose on the reel. There are two houses with the house and one reel. One hose had a damaged end so I couldn't get my spray attachment on it, and since I am about to buy plants, I needed to be able to water them:)

As you have guessed I have now finished the work that kept me late last night, and it all went well thank you!

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