This will make you laugh after saying the flat was boiling because I had done something to the air conditioning, I decided to go to bed with it switch on (so not on auto), and I woke up at about 2am, freezing under my sheet and thin blanket! I seem to have got it going back to normal now, which is a relief.
I managed a swim this morning, as I was having withdrawal symptoms having not been since Monday. The pool was actually quite busy for hat early hour, there were five of us! Still only one per lane. Once I got back Stu and I had a mammoth skype session covering all topics from wedding, to new house, what TV to buy etc!
Now I have got the container coming on Tuesday I have to get all the things I need to be able to live in the house that are not in my container.
So this afternoon I went on a big shopping session. First of all Ikea, I was only really going to look and take notes but on thing I need quite soon is a spare bed, as Di is coming for the weekend, and today they had one nice on a serious offer. I took note of its aisle number and bin number and went in s

earch of the bed. Just as I arrived down the aisle there was another lady by herself and so we helped each other lift the two large boxes on to our trolleys. When I went through check out the price was not what the sale price said so I had to go off to customer services. I moaned at the guy and then he turned around and sad the offer is on the queen size bed, not the kingsize. I said I got the queen size, he said 'oh no you didn't!' In my quest to help out the other lady I had failed to notice the size. So I got given a rather large amount of money back in cash and went back to get the right size of bed. This time, there was no one to help load my trolley! Well, let me tell you I was hot after that. My only slight concern was whether it was going to fit in the car, not to mention for those that have never been to an Ikea, Mum and Dad, you have to go and get your car and drive around to the loading bays and self load. In the past, I have always been with someone else. The staff were fab and they looked after the trolley while I went for the car. The car was great, just as it said in the description you can fit a kayak, and it can! The front passenger seat folds all the way down :) I was happy, and even happier when the butch Ikea lady lifted in all the boxes by herself!
Sitting in the car I was considering how I could get the bed back out of the car and i

nto the house. Asking a neighbour was high on the list, however, I popped into Home Depot, their B&Q equivalent, to buy a tape measure and also picked up a little trolley as I thought it may become very useful over the next couple of weeks. Just on the tape measure, I managed to get the only one which has an imperial and metric scale on it - just feet and inches confuses me!
Back at the house I had no trouble with the little trolley and successfully moved the boxes from the car to the house. I then simply unpack the boxes and took bits upstairs one by one. I may feel it tomorrow, but otherwise, I think I coped very well. A mattress is getting delivered free of charge tomorrow - there was no way the car was going to manage that!
While I was at the house I managed to put out the temporary sprinklers to give the brown bit of new grass a drink. I am not to hopeful and they maybe too far gone already. As I was watering, the landlord and all his family came around - so I have got some brownie points for making the effort:)
More shopping tomorrow, but going to start as soon as the shops open to avoid the crowds. I walked out of one shop as there was just too many people and not enough staff. So much for a bad economy - you should have seen how many TV's they were selling!