Friday, 29 May 2009

Hacked it!

Well, I haven't done half of what I planned this evening. I got home after going to Target to pick up a router so Stuart can talk me through setting up wireless in the house tomorrow. I also picked up a kitchen bin with lid - there are lots without them and the bins get very smelly, very quickly, in the heat. I was annoyed I didn't bring one from UK, but they would have been too large so I got a $9.99 special! I managed a quick swim as that was on route home.

I bought some bedside lights tonight and a selection of light bulbs. I think I spent 15 minutes looking at all the bulbs trying to decide what I needed. They actually have a lot of energy saving bulbs. Anyhow, I successfully replace the bulb in the garage as I have been having a hard time seeing when I arrive home after dark. I also bought myself a night light, because I am still not comfortable with the dark house at night - what a child, however, it is for the living room, not my bedroom!

I turned on the TV for some background noise earlier, only to discover my new cable box was saying 'boot' on it. I tried the IT special, pull out the plug and plug it in again, but no luck. So I phoned Comcast and you can get your box refreshed, so I tried that! Half an hour still nothing, although they managed to turn on the TV. I phoned them back and this time spoke to someone on the phone. He made me pull out the plug again, I told you that was the fix, but unfortunately it still didn't work. The box has officially gone tits up in four days! Hmm it is nice to know I have paid lots for this service. So I said 'when can you fix it?' - Tuesday next week! I may it take it to one of their shops tomorrow and get it changed out. I did ask if this was common and he said 'no'!

So what should I do for the rest of the evening? Well, I had bought a DVD player that can be hacked to play multi-region DVD's. All the ones I have from the UK are region 2 and the player is set to region 1 . So I went on the web to find out the hack. To begin with I was in despair because I couldn't even get the menu up, but realised I had been a wimpy girl and not pushed the cables in far enough. Anyhow, once that was sorted, it was very straight forward and I am now watching 'You only live twice' - ahh that is what I needed a fix of James Bond :)

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