I was on my orientation tour today. I was picked up at nine. and Heat

her and I covered over 100 miles driving around Houston. I was getting shown all the best places to go, including shopping! Since I already know my area from driving around, I got Heather to take me to downtown, which is an area I haven't ventured to yet. Downtown has all the theatres, and then there is a museum district and the large stadiums to see basketball, baseball and the rodeo. It is actually quite surprising how much cultural stuff there is to do

. This weekend there is the Houston car art show, where people take old cars and make them into pieces of artwork - so I might try and get along to that. We had lunch in the Hardrock Cafe - since I have never been anywhere! The car hanging from the ceiling is from there! Heather taught me the quickest routes to get places using the freeways so I will have to just pluck up courage and go for it. In the afternoon, we went to a fabulous outlet mail - far better than Katy Mills, that Stuart and I had visited, and I cant wait to go back. Plenty of s

hoe and handbag shops :) On the way to the shopping mall we past one of the areas still affected by the flooding. I tried to take as photo as we were driving past and all you could see was the tops of the trees. The water level was in level with the road.
All the photos today are from places we stopped and Heather took my photo!
Heather had moved with her family from Massachusetts with her job. She has been here about two years and

said 'you probably have more friends than I do in Houston'. We had a discussion about 80's clubs, reliving Club Tropicana in Aberdeen, I think I might invite her to come along sometime, she is only four years older than me, but said, since moving to Houston, her and her husband havn't gone out without the kids.

I still managed to go swimming and have a quick look at the shops (fear not, I bought nothing!) tonight. I ate Sushi for dinner; it is very popular here. I can't believe I never used to like it! I just could not face the chicken curry - again :)
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