Thursday, 30 July 2009
Awful (long distance) Wife
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Thinking of Stu
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
A Stowaway

I heard someone squeal when I went back down to changing room, I hope that was nothing to do with our creepy friend!
Monday, 27 July 2009
Shake that booty!
Work flew by today, I must have been working hard. Lunch came about like the click of a finger. But I was disappointed as I got there 15 minutes late to discover there was no salad to have with the chicken salad! So I, like a number of others, ended up with chicken and fruit salad - a different combination! For some reason the server had decided one bowl of salad was enough for 70 people. That doesn't often happen, but it is annoying when it does.
Ok that is hot, I have just had a little taste of my mince, and it hot in temperature (so now I have a burnt tongue) and hot in spice.
Guess what I did this evening. Yep, a gym whore again! I did the same running session as last Monday, and it was considerably easier. I had to basically switch between different heart rate zones, but today was only zone 1 & 2, whilst yesterday was zones 2 & 3 (higher heart rates). My watch then makes you get back from the high heart rate of zone 2 down to the bottom of zone 1, before moving to the next set, so the quicker your recovery, the quicker the work out is over and done with -well, that is how I view it. But it was still 50 minutes in total on the treadmill. My poor feet are in desperate need for a pedicure and TLC. I also did my personal fitness trainer routine, like I did yesterday. Tomorrow will be the test, but today I was not stiff at all and I think it is because ofthe streching I have been told to do before and after running, as I say day two is normally the test so I will let you know.
I spoke to Laura who told me all about her long weekend away in Cozumel. It sounde
My only final bit of useless information is that I wanted to show you how long milk lasts here. I am still amazed by how fresh milk can last months. I bought this carton this evening and its sell by date (because I don't think you can read it on the photo) is 11 September - we are only the 27th July! Eek!!!
Sunday, 26 July 2009
All grossed out!
After seeing her, I had brought a banana in because I needed to do my training session from Friday, but I hadn't had breakfast. It was the toughest session I have done so far, but good, and plenty of sweating. After that, I did the stretching and strength routine that my personal trainer had set for me. I got home at 1100 and there was just enough time for a quick swim in the pool before skyping!
I did a full clean of the house and you would have laughed as I decided to wash the floor in my bikini so I could go for a swim while the floor was drying! I am glad no one came to the door!
Well, God is moving his furniture (Mum used to tell me that when there was thunder so I wasn't frightened!). And there was a bit of rain so I still haven't had to water the grass, that is a whole week now :)
Saturday, 25 July 2009
A day of nothing in particular
Mum, you will pleased to read I have finally sent something you wanted back. I have found the best place to post things. The guys in the store are always helpful and help me get the best solution/price to send items international. I have been to quite a few post offices and most have had a sour faced individual behind the desk that would rather no be there and are particularly unhelpful. (I might have said this before!)
I had had an email earlier in the week from our car rental company telling me I needed an oil change so I went to 'Jiffy Lube', because I liked the name. It was like a drive through car wash. There was at least 8 guys and they were all hurrying around my car. There was one poor guy under the floor doing the oil change - you can imagine how hot and sweaty that job must be.
I hadn't been in the pool all week, but before I could jump in I had to clear a million flying ants that had decided it was a landing pad last night. It was great in the water and I tried out my new webbed gloves for swimming. They are meant to increase resistance in the water - I just wanted something to give me a bit of variation while swimming. I managed to read two geological papers on the sunbed before I fell asleep! I then woke feeling decidedly hot and slightly sick so I sloped off to the shade.
I rang Danny, who had spent the day cleaning, not much more than me then and I said we could meet for coffee. In the end, we went for a frozen yogurt. It was called 'Swirls' and they had loads of different flavours and then you could top the yogurt off with fruit pieces, and obviously plenty of sweet things, if yo
BBQ dinner this evening. Another steak! I have just learnt another point for the BBQ - don't skimp on the amount of charcoal you put in! Apart from that, it was good although there was definitely something missing! Can you work out what it is? Yes alcohol. Because I have my resting metabolic rate measurement tomorrow morning I have to abstain, only water :(
Just watching Die Hard :)
Friday, 24 July 2009
A Wee Bit of Retail Therapy
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Rain, Rain, Glorious Rain
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Not rested enough
So I was at work pretty early this morning, but that was good as we had our presentation to give today - a green hat session for those the know De Bono. All went well plenty of ideas generated.
I haven't told you about my shocking water bill this month.
I am just finishing a double session of Torchwood on BBC America!
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Pinched and Proded

Monday, 20 July 2009
The Fitness Frenzy Begins
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Biking and Painting
Andy and I cycled into George Bush Park - this week we went the correct way! We resting beside a nice pond/lake before cycling into the bush. There was a sign 'watch out for animals'! The tracks we rough to cycle on, and the mud was amazingly sticky. My tyres, which are not particularly wide, got caked in mud, to the point it became difficult to cycle.
By the time I got back to the house two hours later, I was cooking. I had done 17 miles on the odometer but it felt li
Saturday, 18 July 2009
A short Saturday
Laura arrived and then the heavens opened. It is serious rain not since like that first week with the flooding. There were huge claps of thunders and lightening straight over head. The noise when you walked out the back was tremendous. I am really glad Laura is here for
The stormed passed and blue skies reappeared so I could get the BBQ underway. We had so much food it was great :) Andy bought corn on the cob which we threw on and then we had my steaks and I made up veggie skewers and shrimp skewers so we could have surf and turf!! The BBQ was well stocked that is for sure. Laura brought some of her own home grown tomatoes as pictured! They were lovely I think I might have to try some in a pot.
It was late by the time we ate but I managed to use the dining room table for the first time which was lovely. We all finished complaining of being far too full . That is good because at least my guests are well
The temperature had cooled dramatically after the rain, actually it currently says 24 degC. But I said who is for a swim? So we all jumped in and the water, although cooler since the rain, was decidedly warmer than the outside air temperature. You can see the pool steamin
It is now in the hour of one again but I have agreed to go cycling at 8am so I must get up! Laura is on a sleep over so I will leave her when I go off in the morning.
Other things that happened today before I go. I nearly forgot to tell you I served Pimms at my party. I wen
I also signed up for two months with a personal trainer at the gym!! I am quite scared but will have to tell you all about when I get my first session Monday evening. It is something I have wanted to try to know what I should be doing to improve my fitness so watch this space!
Good night all xxx
It's late - now updated :)
We got something to eat down there although I wont go back to were we went as I would describe it as Beefeater type of place. Which was diappointing as there is so much choice in Rice Village.
Latter on I had said we would meet up with Cecelia and her man to see a band playing in a pub downtown - The Big op Lounge. The band is from Texas called, dUNETX. It was described as sexy rock/pop. The venue was pretty cool, a small place that was not full.. The band were good when they started off they were a bit loud and you couldnt hear the snger, but once they sorted out the amplifier they were quite good. The had some real groupies following them. There was one guy in his camoflage shorts, white socks and trainers doing guitar strumming in front of the band all night. We were there until midnight. I was pleased to see my car was still there. Because when we arrived I parked on a street around the corner from the bar. It had plenty of others cars there when we arrived but it was next to some not so smart buildings and waste land. There was a guy walking along the street with a torch and a badge around his neck. He said we could park closer to the main street but I said is it going to cost me and he said he watches the cars every Friday and Saturday night because he lives nearby and you can give him what you feel like! Well the dilema do you pay him before you leave the car in hope of him looking after it or do you pay him after when you know the car is still there! Anyway, I gave $5 and said it better be there on my return! Well it was, but he wasnt, and neither were most of the cars!
Thursday, 16 July 2009
Steak Anyone?
Tonight I whizzed straight off to the gym after work and I managed to do a couple of the things I have been meaning to do including changing my address at the gym, which was still my apartment address! I only realised last night when I received a letter asking me to b
I got my hair cut at the gym as well. I managed a quick swim before my appointment. The girl was really good and although it is a little shorter than I intended I think it is a good cut and not so expensive. More than I would pay in Aberdeen, or rather Montrose.
Wednesday, 15 July 2009
Tasty Eggs
Tuesday, 14 July 2009
Paperwork night
I finally established what the funny noise is that I hear about 10pm once or twice a week. It is a flat bed truck with some big canisters on the back and it sprays mosquito killer. I knew or at least I had been told that our area is sprayed but I had never worked out how. The truck actually sounds like a small aeroplane as it comes past. That also explains why most of the mosquito's have gone.
Tonight I have been busy trying to sort out some of my paperwork, always something I put off until the pile builds so large that I have no option but to deal with it! Stuart knows this one only so well. I also managed a swim this evening so feeling a bit better, however I was swimming in the outside pool only to be then told it was closed. I missed the large sign saying 'pool closed'! I have a feeling it had just had new chemicals put in so I hope I haven't given myself a rash or very dry skin!
Hey I had Scottish Smoked Salmon for my dinner tonight - a taste of home :) It certainly cost like it had come all that way.
I am sorry it is another dull blog but the beginning of the week is also quite boring!
Monday, 13 July 2009
Utterly poop'd
All that I can say is that I am off to bed early tonight and would actually go now if it was not so light outside.
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Cycle, swim, swim, swim!
Saturday, 11 July 2009
Grilling Girl
Anyhow I got the BBQ and asked the neighbour if he would help me get it out of the car. He lifted it out by himself kindly. So I set it
I had a great burger and I cant wait to cook another meal on it:) What do you think of a girl in charge of BBQ - wrong isn't it.
I never quite managed my cycle this morning as I could not get myself out of bed early enough so I will have to try tomorrow morning - I need to do some exercise if not least to work off my huge burger.
Another Aberdonian
Straight after work there was a do in the pub, Fox and Hound, for one guy leaving and another one coming. It was my first office, as such, do. It was good but I only stayed for a couple of hours before my next social engagement! I then met Laura and Andy in the Sherlock Pub - are you getting the idea that everything is very British sounding (actually English pub sounding!). When you get inside none of them look like a British pub.
Thursday, 9 July 2009
14,000 Gallons!
Wednesday, 8 July 2009
Work, Nails & Quizzes
In the end, the girls missed the start of their dance class, so asked if Danny and myself would like to come and join their quiz team at the Richmond Arms. I decided to go along, even though I know how bad I am at quizzes, while poor Danny went off to do Texas Driving homework!
The Richmond Arms, as it sounds, is a British pub and runs a weekly quiz. Apparently it opened it doors in 1979 (I know that because that was the bonus question and we fond the answer on the menu!). It is $2 per person to enter and the winning team gets to split the winnings, which can be in the order of $80 (I am told!). It looks sort of like a British pub, only the air con really gives it away that you are not at home. There are 6 rounds of 8 questions on any selection of themes that vary from week to week. The one question that I was really annoyed about getting wrong was a question about which town in the UK hung a monkey during the Napoleonic Wars . In Aberdeen we have the 'Noose & Monkey' pub and I remember one of the guys, I think Jonathan, saying it was his town that hung the monkey. Unfortunately, my vague recollection of the conversation and where he lived made me think it was Hull, but it is in fact Hartlepool! Darn! Oh well they both begin with 'H'.
Tuesday, 7 July 2009
My second wedding cake
It was very sweet at work they had organised me a cake to celebrate our marriage. Andy Stewart said a couple of kind words and made me go the same colour as my shirt in the lunch room. Since I am not w