Work flew by today, I must have been working hard. Lunch came about like the click of a finger. But I was disappointed as I got there 15 minutes late to discover there was no salad to have with the chicken salad! So I, like a number of others, ended up with chicken and fruit salad - a different combination! For some reason the server had decided one bowl of salad was enough for 70 people. That doesn't often happen, but it is annoying when it does.
Ok that is hot, I have just had a little taste of my mince, and it hot in temperature (so now I have a burnt tongue) and hot in spice.
Guess what I did this evening. Yep, a gym whore again! I did the same running session as last Monday, and it was considerably easier. I had to basically switch between different heart rate zones, but today was only zone 1 & 2, whilst yesterday was zones 2 & 3 (higher heart rates). My watch then makes you get back from the high heart rate of zone 2 down to the bottom of zone 1, before moving to the next set, so the quicker your recovery, the quicker the work out is over and done with -well, that is how I view it. But it was still 50 minutes in total on the treadmill. My poor feet are in desperate need for a pedicure and TLC. I also did my personal fitness trainer routine, like I did yesterday. Tomorrow will be the test, but today I was not stiff at all and I think it is because ofthe streching I have been told to do before and after running, as I say day two is normally the test so I will let you know.
I spoke to Laura who told me all about her long weekend away in Cozumel. It sounde
My only final bit of useless information is that I wanted to show you how long milk lasts here. I am still amazed by how fresh milk can last months. I bought this carton this evening and its sell by date (because I don't think you can read it on the photo) is 11 September - we are only the 27th July! Eek!!!
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