Thursday, 30 July 2009

Awful (long distance) Wife

Stuart went for his knee op today and it was done by the time I woke up. I phoned the ward and they sad they were just giving him something to eat then they were going to put him on his feet. She then said I could pick him up a 2:30pm! Hmm I had to say I was a long distance wife. Stu phoned as soon as he got home and sounded remarkably well. He was actually saying he had the wonderful feeling of being drunk but not with any of the nasty feeling sick bits. Because there is no one with him, the nurses wanted to have someone check he is still alright - that is my job as wife :) We agreed he would phone me in the afternoon at work for his first check in. Well, I have to say, shamefully, I wandered away from my desk just before three (the checkin time!) and it wasn't until I looked at my watch, half an hour later, that I realised what I had done. What an awful wife, Stuart said I could never be a nurse as I would forget all my patients!

I just phoned Stuart for his next 6 hourly watch. It was 9pm here and 3am in the morning back home. He sounded more awake than me!

My bug man came today and did a spray inside and outside the house. He said you should expect more bugs in the house for two weeks and then they should start to disappear. He will then come back at set periods over the year. They actually, from this point forward, treat the outside of the house to stop the little bleeps getting in. He confirmed the pooh was a cockroaches! Lovely. Tonight, I came back to find a large roach on it back :) It was about the size of the one that came in this morning while I was eating breakfast. That one chased me through the living room - and I mean it really did chase me, I was screaming and running for my life. I tried to catch it with a glass to put it outside, but failed, and when it started to head towards my bedroom, I decided enough was enough so I got it with my trusty Raid. So maybe tonight's one is a cousin, and I still have to account for the other family members!
Except for my hour with the personal trainer I have been lazy today. I could not face the treadmill. Tomorrow I must get back to it, as I still have two big sessions to complete before the end of the week!

Today's photos are (from the top) :

1) My commute to work to show you the dreadful traffic I encounter!

2) Is of the road works that have been on going since I arrived (however, because there is no traffic they are not an issue except for the occasional time when you have to force yourself in to the one lane of traffic because no one give you a space, you have to make that yourself!), and

3) but finally, it a picture of the office block in which we occupy a couple of floors.

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