Today I left work a little later as I didn't need to be at the gym until 6pm for my cardio test! I have to say I was a little apprehensive. The first things I was given was a heart monitor as pictured (it says my name on the watch :) ) The strap goes around my rib cage. App
arently, it is waterproof so I will use it in the pool, I will test that tomorrow! The next thing I was given was a face mask. How can I describe it - a neoprene mask with a pipe coming out the front of it. I looked like some alien cartoon character when wearing it and got plenty of smirks by passers by. The mask was actually quite claustrophobic and that was obviously why they had asked me beforehand. I found it odd to breathe through as you had to breath in and out of your mouth, however, at low rates of exercise I tend to breath through my nose. So I was on a treadmill, with the mask attached via a cable to a computer, that read my carbon dioxide and oxygen input/output. She started me off at a walk and we gradually increased speed and elevation on the treadmill. By the time 10 minutes had past and I was at 6 deg incline I was happily breathing in and out of my mouth! The ordeal was over pretty quick and I whipped off the mask as soon as possible. The fitness instructor then asked me lots of questions about what I want to achieve and then has designed a plan for me, and it started tonight! There was me thinking I had another week before I had to get into it :) The plan obviously gets harder through my 12 week program and I see my fitness instructor, Jo, a guy who actually trained one of the other girls at Maersk not so long ago, twice a week and on top of that I train the other three days plus an additional half an hour after seeing him. I wont be recognizable if I stick to plan (and at this price I will)!
I had arranged to see the landlords daughter to handover a cheque at 1930 so I had to rush home after my first session (thinking that is all I would have to do today!). So I ended up having some dinner at home before heading back to the gym at 2100 for my first session on my own. A 45 minute session on the treadmill controlling my heart rate between certain limits. It is much harder than you think and I was continually updating the speed on the treadmill, which actually helped the time pass quickly, fortunately. I was momentarily distracted when a women had a nasty fall on the treadmill down the line. She increased the speed dramatically, somehow, and then next thing she was clinging onto the rails with her hands before the machine eventually whipped her off the back. She was not a young lady and I think will have some nasty tyre burns tomorrow. Her friend just watched this happen rather than pressing the emergency stop button! What are friends for. Anyway, I completed my first day of many training sessions, and I am already stiff so god knows how I will manage with 1.30 hr session tomorrow :) I am also going to have to buy some more gym kit as I am going to be using everyday and I only have a couple of tops and socks!
Right late again so must getting my beauty sleep and rest these legs!
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