Sunday, 6 September 2009

I don't believe it!

I have just seen the worst advert ever! Snuggies - blankets with arms for men and women! They look like monk tunics, only strange colours and patterns, including leopard print. I cant believe anyone would actually own one of these things, mind you it is a 'bogoff' deal!

I have done a number of my chores today. I finally succeed in unpacking my box of bathroom bits and pieces. I have been so used the the box beside my bed it now looks very strange and almost empty! I also managed to make space for Stuart in the en suite, however still not managed to clear out my golf clubs from his wardrobe. Still tomorrow because it is a long weekend :)

I don't believe it! ( with a Victor Meldrew voice). I filled up the pool with my hose, only a couple of hours later we get the biggest rain storm and the water level goes up by another inch. At least I had bothered to water the grass! There was actually a fair amount of wind with the thunderstorm which we don't to get. The rain was whipping around the corner by the garage - very exciting I do like the storms when I am safely inside.

There was another women singing along to her Ipod along the Bayou this morning on my run. It was quite humid and I was sweating from my eyelids! I nearly got clipped by a bike - it was some daft old guy that forgot his handle bars stick out further than him.

'The spy who loved me' this evening - how can life get any better! Bond tastic on BBC America just now.

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