I am sitting here having already fallen asleep in front of the TV once tonight. I ran 6 miles on the boring treadmill this evening. It was a new program this evening and much harder than previous so I am feeling it! I now have a blister under a blister on the top of my toe - ouch! However, after my run I did a couple of my stretching exercises - still rubbish! and then I decided to go for a quick swim. Only 20 lengths I couldn't manage anymore. It was the first time I have gone swimming with my wedding ring on - it was really odd. I normally take it off because the pool is quite cold and my hands get cold, hence the ring becomes loose. However, this evening after running there was no way it was coming off. I went it to the sauna for my warm up - and another lady came in. She was very chatty. She said she has has PMT for 10 weeks! I said my husband would kill me if I had for that long a week is bad enough! She was just remarried and now having to deal with three of her new husbands kids and one of her own! It is amazing what you can find out in a sauna!!
When I was leaving from the car park it suddenly occurred to me that I was only one a few sad individuals at the gym on a Friday evening! Just look at the car park - there are 5000 members at this gym!

Actually, maybe that didn't express it well enough, as that was the spaces nearer the stairs, so where everyone tries to park, just look at the spaces around the corner! This is what it is like at weekend mornings.

I got home tonight to find 'Morris', the chilli plant looking really sad, but 'Berty' his chilli plant friend looking fine and with new flowers! I gave them all a water and I can see through the window that Morris is back to normally standing taller than Berty again :) Sorry must be going mad naming the plants.
Stuart arrives a week today - wow it is not long now :) Until then I have got a long weekend, Labour Day on Monday, so the office is closed. I don't really have any plans except to take things easy, except at the gym :)
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