Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Wines from Chile

Hello readers! Gosh today I just couldn't get me head around it being Tuesday rather than Monday. At lunch, I was most confused, why we had a hot meal - but that is because it was Tuesday! I forgot about Stuart's doctor appointment - but again, it was on Tuesday, today!

Stuart sent me a photo of the house, and it is all packed up ready to be loaded on to the container tomorrow - so we will no doubt block most of Aberdeen's commuter traffic tomorrow! It will be great to have a house with some furniture, however much I like my one chair and bean bag in front of the TV!

Tonight, was the monthly wine dinner. It was another great night and everyone is very friendly and chatty plus I can hold my own:) Tonight's discussion went on to the famous haggis. I drew a haggis, in plural it is 'haggi'. I explained how haggis can only go one way around the Scottish hills and therefore they are relatively easy to catch. I also said that Stu and I would be hosting Burn's Night in January - sorry Stu I think I have at least two parties so far, so it is going to be a long end of January for us!! I also learnt that the girl that organises our party is also January 4th :) and you never guess what, her Mum has the same birthday (and year) as Dad! Spooky!!

Tonight's wines were from Chile, Cousino Macul Wines, from a vineyard some 150 years old. The family that now own it , apparently, bought the land with vines on it, however, the type of grape grown at that time was not commonly associated with good drinking (sorry can't remember the name of the grape), but they travelled to France and Germany picking up good vine stocks and planted them. Tonight, all the wines and food, for that matter, were great, with the exception of their Riesling wine. It was a dry Riesling, but it smelt of car oil, and when you drank it, if you didn't sniff while doing so, the first taste was quite pleasant, but the after taste was like rubber. You know the smell of rubber, but now imagine that as a taste. Even with food I couldn't get away from this smell and so I didn't enjoy it, and too be fair neither did any of the table. This is from someone who happily drinks any wine!! We asked the rep from the vineyard about it. She said the Riesling grape from Germany, of this considerable age, is commonly associated with a diesel aroma and the strength of the aroma depends on the amount of heat the grape is exposed to. I have never smelt or tasted anything like it, but I am not keen to do so again. However, what I would say is that the other wines from the vineyard where very pleasant and I have photographed our menu to show you what they were paired with (please take note of the excellent artist impression of a haggis!).

Everyone at the wine dinner is dying to meet Stuart so I have already booked us in for next month! Plus, to make you jealous Stu, I was taken home in a Toy. Boata!!! Stuart will know the type of car I am on about :)

On the way out the door my hand bag, as big as it is, was filled with the free mints, last month I kept finding them so now I have even more!

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